Sometimes the light is so perfect, it is golden!
Dogs at the beach! Most dogs love the beach. Labs and Goldens are known for being beach going dogs, but here you will see all breeds enjoying the freedom the beach offers. Whether they love to dig, swim, surf, retrieve or just spend time with friends, these dogs are sure to bring a smile to your face. So take some time and relive the fun times you have had at the beach.
Maggie and Dudley (brother and sister) enjoying a moment in the sun on their favorite beach!
They look beautiful, thank you Jean for the great shot of them!
Kimberly and Betsy
Jean you take some really great pictures...
Our parents had a golden for 12 years before we came along. They loved him a lot and your post today reminded us of him.
Seadra and Zoe
What an absoultuely fabulous picture! wow I love it!!
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