German shepherds
14 years ago
Dogs at the beach! Most dogs love the beach. Labs and Goldens are known for being beach going dogs, but here you will see all breeds enjoying the freedom the beach offers. Whether they love to dig, swim, surf, retrieve or just spend time with friends, these dogs are sure to bring a smile to your face. So take some time and relive the fun times you have had at the beach.
Love the photos. That third one is brill. Welcome to ABC Wednesday, or if you've been here all along and I missed you.. welcome!! lol
Those are some very cool looking dogs. Thanks for posting on ABC.
Gorgeous Borzoi! I love how the wind is blowing his feathers. My Borzoi would have enjoyed running on the beach, but they would have been in the water before I could get a photo. Looks like he was enjoying himself. Is that a surfer in the background??? Great Photo! Calendar Material!
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